This is a short note to let the world know my son, a toddler of almost 15 months, has impeccable taste. How is it possible to understand such a thing when your kid can only utter a few vague sounds like words? While managing the challenging task of being a father and working from home simultaneously, I spent time with him in my studio space. I have a handful of posters I own and like on the walls. In this phase, where he is constantly pointing at different things, it’s no surprise that he pointed at the posters.

I went to all the ones he pointed out and told him who was depicted on the poster. When I got the one from the late and great Ricky Jay and mentioned the name Ricky Jay, Gabriel started to repeat “Jay” (in his own way). Now, every time I point to the poster and ask who it is, he says, “Jay.” He is, no doubt, a toddler of impeccable taste.
